Sunday, April 24, 2016

Trust > Fear

Sitting outside in the grass today catching some of the gorgeous weather waiting for my laundry to be done, I ask Holy Spirit a question as I sense him wooing me into his presence.

"Why do I fear trusting you because the people I last trusted betrayed me? Why am I stuck here? You didn't betray me. No one else betrayed me, yet here I am calm on the outside but my spirit is a fortress on high alert at all times. How do I move forward from this spot of betrayal and let you and others in again?"

Son, I love your heart. Not only that you desire to trust Me and others and share that deep connection but that you realize that you've kept your guard up for so long. Honestly, the answer is simple. Choose to. Don't apply the experience you had with some to everyone. Treat me and everyone else as if we've never failed you until they have. Then forgive and love again.

See, you're stuck where you are because you believe the fear that you will be betrayed again. And, honestly, you might. But not by me. You are choosing to be locked up in fear so that you won't get hurt again. What you don't realize is that by doing this, you choose to live in that fear and that pain of betrayal every day. Not giving yourself hope or a chance to live in freedom. I did not give you a spirit of fear that you should cower on the inside. I made you courageous. My word says the righteous are bold as a lion. That is who you are son. That is your nature and your inheiritance, to be bold as the kingly lion. A lion is not afraid or concerned what others think. He walks with authority and confidence in who he is knowing he is the king of the plains. So, you should know who you are, with Jesus seated as a king in heavenly places walking in the flesh on this earth but with the same authority and dominion as you have in heaven.

Do not live by what you see in the natural. Live by who I say you are in the spirit. There is adventure for you every day. Every problem you face is an invitation for you and I to crush the schemes of the devil together. Every curse spoken against you will fall to the ground and I will turn it to a multiplied blessing. This is what you can expect as a son of my kingdom. So, why do you choose to live in fear? Have I not been faithful every time things went sideways in your life? Have I not used everything for your good and my glory? So today, choose and determine within yourself that you will not fear and believe the lies of darkness and trust me and believe and walk in the ways of light.

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