Today I was turned down for a role I had been interviewing for. The interview process took 2 months to complete. I have never prepared more or tried harder for an interview than this one. Ironically, it's the first job I've ever applied for that turned me down.
So, what now?
Getting turned down for something you've prepared for and worked hard to achieve is never fun. But like any other situation, its all about how you respond to it. I could spend the rest of the day, rest of the week, heck, at this point, the rest of the year upset about my "wasted time" and lack of success getting to a new position. OR I could realize that this whole process was already a win since I started it. I learned a lot along the way and am better for it. If i knew the outcome before starting, would I do it again? Absolutely. Now I take the experience I've gained and apply it to my current ventures.
As most of you know, I've been working hard on trading in the Forex market and building that skill and income stream to the point where it can pay me full time. And I will keep doing that. Just because you're progressing in one area, doesn't mean you should say no to other opportunities that come your way.
Always stay focused, stay positive. Keep growing, learning, and asking questions along the way. Setbacks are sometimes the best lessons if you choose to stop and learn from them.
If you have a setback or a missed expectation. Take a minute to see what you've learned and gained from that. It will definitely change your perspective and keep you progressing towards the goals you have set and the life you've dreamed of.
Much love.
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