Today was one of those days. One of those days that started out just like any other day. But it found its way ending like a milestone. Most of you should know that I've been working non stop to learn how to trade the Forex market (Forex = Foreign Exchange for those of you who didn't know.). This whole journey has had its fair share of frustrations, late nights, and expensive lessons. I've been spending most of my free time for the past couple months, learning all the different strategies, marking up charts, and staring at my computer screen watching video after video.
Today I finally broke through. Today I took my $100 trading account and doubled it. Now, that is not necessarily normal or expected returns, but it's like my work finally paid off. I had a great day and all my lessons I've truly learned from and finally implemented. I look forward to seeing duplicated returns on my account and reaching my goals of leaving my job by the end of 2018 due to my income in Forex. The plan is to create an income stream that matches what I currently make and then free my time to pursue my passions. One of which, is music.
Today, feeling so proud and confident after my successful trading, I locked myself in my room and sang my heart out. Damn did it feel good! Because I sang from a place of confidence, from a place of success, I sang so well. I honestly cannot remember a time where it felt so good to sing. And, unless my roommates want to vouch for/against me, its probably the best I've EVER sang.
And because success comes in packages, I had an old roommate text me tonight and talk to me about a business venture we are working on together. The conversation turned to him sending me a first mix of a song he recorded recently. The song just happened to be a song we wrote together while we both lived in the same state, under the same roof. It was amazing to hear something I had the tiniest part creating be sent to me almost a year after we wrote it, on the EXACT day I start to taste some success in the vehicle I've chosen to set me free to play music. It's almost as if the universe is telling me my dreams will happen.
And that's what I want to tell you tonight. Work hard and never quit. Dream big and never lose sight of what you've dreamed. Know WHY you're doing what you're doing. Chances are you have much more untapped potential in you than you realize. Please do yourself and the world a favor. Don't hold back. Live to your fullest potential. If you determine that you will taste your dreams despite any circumstances, opposition, or obstacle YOU WILL taste them. It may not be the day after you decide. Chances are it won't be super quick. Things take time. Build your dream a brick at a time. Before you know it, you'll be standing on top of a mountain that you built and crafted to your own specifications. The only one truly stopping you from doing it is YOU.
Drop me a comment on here or on Facebook and tell me what your dreams are. Tell me what your plan is to get there. If you're not comfortable posting them publicly, send them to me in a message. I'd love to hear what amazing things you've dreamed up for your life and do what I can to help get you there.
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