Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Worshipping in the Storm

I'm chilling here tonight listening to an old recording of a meeting I went to a little over a year ago. That day I had just stood up for some friends and it cost me and them greatly. I didn't handle the situation perfectly but we were definitely thrown under the bus in the whole ordeal.

I'm amazed at our response. It's exactly what you'd hope it would be in the face of such pain and opposition. We worshipped. We blessed those who cursed us and chose instead of focusing on our pain and the injustice pointed our direction to fix our eyes on heaven. We chose to see the goodness of God and live in that reality regardless of our circumstances. I'm listening to us sing these songs and we didn't worship to change anything. We didn't sing to try to hype ourselves up. We sang knowing there was more for us on the other side. We sang because we knew we had a great and glorious advocate and vindicator and didn't have to make our case before men.

Looking back it was such an incredible, albeit, intense day. Heaven is only a perspective away. It's here and present constantly. It's there to step into and expereince. Does that mean things will always be easy or perfect? Haha. Heck no! Just means that no matter what happens, we have access to the goodness of heaven. And no matter what hell, no matter what tears, no matter the pain, God is still good and is ready for us to let him in and invade our day, whether it be good or bad, and make it better.

Thanks to the friends who are faithful. Thanks to the family who never quits. Who maybe loses touch but in a crisis would be the first ones there. To help in anyway possible. In word or in deed. You know who you are.

To everyone reading, wealth isn't measured by the number in your bank account or the worth of your assets. It's measured in the quality of friends and family you have. People are the only eternal currency. Invest much. Invest often. You will die full and happy when your time comes.

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