So, here I am on my flight from Nashville to LA, looking out my window from 34,000 feet. Things are so much different from up here. Houses, mansions, roads, cars, cities, everything that seems to tower over you when you're on the ground is so insignificant from up here.
It's interesting a quick change of location or change of perspective can mean the world of difference in your reality. As we go through each day, we're constantly inundated with everything. The elections, the car breaking down, bills, someone's foul opinion of us, you name it. There's so much potential in a single day alone that can drive you negatively insane!
But I want to challenge you to run every circumstance, every opinion, through your higher perspective filter. What if, every time a speed bump or a roadblock came your way, you didn't let it ruin your day? But instead, you realized that the slowdown was a small, insignificant, temporary thing in the long term perspective of your journey.
See, what I'm realizing on this plane, is that perspective is EVERYTHING. I feel like so many times we come up against an unexpected road block in life and we lose our minds because of it. When, in all reality, the speed bump is so small and insignificant it can hardly be seen from the greater perspective and overview of your life.
So today, if something comes in front of you, don't let it get you down. Don't let it stop you. Remember to tell yourself, "This is insignificant in the long term perspective of my life." Find a way to overcome and keep moving forward.
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