Thursday, September 1, 2016

Making a Difference

As I was thinking this week about what to write about, I thought back to a wonderful picture I got while I was in church this Sunday. The picture was of myself with arms outstretched in front of a street sign. The scene was all desert and maybe 20-30 yards behind me was a cliff. The street sign was the metal pole with the two green street names pointing in either direction like I was standing at a 4-way stop, except without the road. 

The next thing I pictured was a sea of people blind and dead stumbling forward like zombies toward the cliff. I was there arms outstretched at least forcing people to change the angle they were walking at so they didn't hit the cliff as quickly. Once in a while my efforts supernaturally "awakened" one of the people. Instantly they grabbed my hand and our barrier grew. Before we knew it we had a line of people that stretched for miles containing a sea of millions of people who slowly were waking up. They were saved from a destruction they knew nothing of merely because one person stopped to care. 

One person couldn't save everyone. But one could help one. And then another. And that grew exponentially and we had a wall of people capable of saving millions by working together. The same is true of life. It doesn't have to be me. I don't have to be the first one to help someone. I certainly try, but that's not the point. The point is a culture can be changed by one person deciding to go against the flow and help someone. I challenge you this week to go out of your way to help someone you see. Whether they know they need help or not. Whether they have a hard time receiving it or not. Help someone. You don't have to "change" or "fix" anyone to make a difference. Just authentically show someone you care and watch lives change. 

I'll leave you with this quote Pastor JD gave from Sunday's message when I got this picture, "While I can't fix people, I can make a difference..."

Be blessed and till next time,
Tony Skinner

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