Tuesday, August 25, 2015

A New Dream For A New Season

So, I want to share a dream I had a couple nights ago. And before i start, I want to clarify that I don't dream often. And if I do, I never wake up remembering it. So the fact that I remember it in such detail is pretty significant to me. I believe God gave me this dream to share a message with you all.

The dream starts off with me at a wave pool. Before I could even get in, I ran into my old tattoo artist and good friend from Wisconsin. He had a booth set up there and told me to come by. When I did, he told me to sit down and he was going to give me a free tattoo. About half-way through the tattoo, he has to get up and go do something. So, I'm left with half a skeleton hand tattooed on my forearm.

I waited for awhile and he wasn't returning so I went to go get some food. I took my bicycle and rode it a couple blocks away. I was worried about my bike getting stolen so I brought it around back and hid it in the basement. I go upstairs and see, unexpectedly, some friends of mine merch table set up. Surprised they were around, I knew this wasn't where I was trying to go so I went right back downstairs to grab my bike and it was gone. I was confused, but never panicked as I scoured the basement for my bike. It wasn't to be found.

So, I headed upstairs and found my mom sitting comfortably at the bar watching my dad play guitar in the band that was there. I told her about my bike being stolen and my intent to walk back and get my free tattoo finished. Before she could respond a man sitting in front of her turned around and told me to wait while he made a phone call. He came back and said that it was his kids who stole the bike and he would get it back to me.

I gave him my phone to punch his information into and he did it while looking the other way. There was something supernatural about him and in the dream I was pretty sure he was an angel. Before he left he asked me what it would take to get the bike off my hands. I thought about it and told him $1,000. He said ok! And handed me the money. And the dream ended.

Now that can seem really random and pointless, but let me give you what I believe the interpretation of it is. First off, there were so many unexpected surprises in the dream. At every turn I was getting free stuff or running into people I had no expectation to see. The wave pool represents seeking the presence of the Holy Spirit. Water is often used to describe the presence of God and my intention was to seek him. That's where I was headed when I ran into my friend who had a blessing for me. I believe God is revealing to us that he has blessings waiting for us as we seek him. "Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you."

The tattoo of a skeleton hand to me represents resurrection power.  It being tattooed on me represents an outpouring of a new level of power. God is imprinting us with a new level of his power. "And you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you."

The interruption of my friend in the middle of the tattoo I believe is the enemy coming to steal or delay what God has intended to pour out on us. The same with the bike being stolen later in the dream. "The thief has come to steal, kill, and destroy. But I have come that they may have life and life abundantly."

Seeing my parents at the bar was very significant because that's not a place they are usually seen. My Dad plays guitar in the worship band at church. Seeing him play in the bar represents the kingdom being taken into the world and demonstrating Gods power and glory and carrying his presence from the place of worship into the darkness to change it. "You are the light of the world."

The father of the children or angel, as I perceived, was significant because God is releasing his angels right now to bring justice and restoration of all that was stolen. In the dream I knew the bike was around a $150 bike. So 150 x 7 = 1050. The enemy has to repay 7 times what he steals from us.

I am very excited about this dream and what God is saying and declaring. It is a season of suddenlies and unexpected surprises. It is a season of advancing and having influence in new territories. It is a season of repayment for all the enemy has stolen. Expect abundance. Expect release. Expect power and favor. But the most important part is that this all comes through intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

Love you all! Hope this is encouraging!

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